In this notebook, we will code the following DP algorithms:
As an example, we shall use the GridWorld environment defined in Notebook 2.
We follow closely the discussion in Sutton & Barto, Chapter 4.
import numpy as np
# load Notebook_2
import import_ipynb
from Notebook_2_RL_environments import GridWorldEnv # import environment, both notebooks must be in same directory
Next, we fix the hyperparameters, and create the environment object:
### define rng seed
### construct the Gridworld environment
### set algorithm parameters
# define convergence threshold theta
theta = 1E-9
# discount factor
gamma = 0.9
We now consider the GridWorld environment from Notebook_2. Suppose an RL agent acts with the equiprobable (random) policy
$$\pi(a|s) = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{A}|}$$Our first task is to use Iterative Policy Evaluation to determine the value function $V(s)\approx v_\pi(s)$. We shall do this in two steps:
which accepts a policy pi
, the convergence threshold parameter theta
, and the discount factor gamma
to compute the corresponding value function.def policy_evaluation(pi, theta, gamma):
# initialize approximant value function V
V = np.zeros((5,5),) # 5x5 grid => 25 states
# define differece parameter Delta
# policy evaluation
while Delta>=theta:
# loop over all states in the state space
for m in range(5):
for n in range(5):
# back up old value for state
V_old = V[m,n]
# evaluate update rule
for action in range(len(env.action_space)):
# set environment state
# take step
s_prime, reward, _ = env.step(action)
# increment V(s)
V_aux += pi[m,n,action]*(reward + gamma*V[s_prime[0],s_prime[1]])
# compute Delta
Delta = max(Delta, np.abs(V[m,n]-V_old))
return V
# define policy over the action space
pi = 1.0/4.0*np.ones((5,5,4),) # equiprobable/random policy
#pi = np.tile(np.array([0.1,0.3,0.5,0.1]), (5,5,1) ) # another, non-uniform policy
# run policy evaluation
# print V, rounded to the first decimal
Let us now consider the Policy Iteration algorithm. Recall that Policy Iteration consists of two alternating sub-routines:
We already wrote the policy_evaluation()
routine above.
First, we code up the policy_improvement(pi,V)
rouine: it accepts two arguments: the current policy pi
which is to be improved, and the corresponding value function approximant V
$\approx v_\pi$.
def policy_improvement(pi,V,gamma):
stable = True # aux variable for policy iteration
# loop over all states in the state space
for m in range(5):
for n in range(5):
# back-up old value
action_old = np.argmax(pi[m,n,:])
# define a trial policy for all actions
q_aux = np.zeros(len(env.action_space))
for action in range(len(env.action_space)):
# set environment state
# take step
s_prime, reward, _ = env.step(action)
# increment V(s)
q_aux[action] = (reward + gamma*V[s_prime[0],s_prime[1]])
# policy improvement step
pi[m,n,:] = 0.0
pi[m,n,action_max] = 1.0
# aux varible for policy iteration
if action_old != action_max:
stable = False
return pi, stable
Now that we have the two building block routines: policy_evaluation()
and policy_improvement()
, use them to write down the policy_iteration()
routine. Follow the pseudocode in Sutton & Barto.
We use as an initial policy the equiprobable policy $\pi(a|s) = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{A}|}$.
def policy_iteration(theta,gamma):
# define initial deterministic policy at random
pi = 1.0/4.0*np.ones((5,5,4),) # equiprobable/random policy
stable = False
while not stable:
# run policy evaluation
V = policy_evaluation(pi,theta,gamma)
# policy improvement
pi, stable = policy_improvement(pi,V,gamma)
# print policy
print("iteration {}: stable = {}".format(j,stable))
print( np.round(np.flipud(V.T),1) )
return V, pi
Let us now compute optimal policy for GridWorld using Policy Iteration. In doing so, print the instantaneous value function to monitor its convergence.
V, pi = policy_iteration(theta,gamma)
Next, visualize the optimal policy $\pi_\ast$. To do this, you may want to plot slices over the action space.
print("\n\noptimal policy $pi_\ast$:")
Last, we also code up the Value Iteration algorithm:
$$ v_{k+1}(s) = \max_{a\in\mathcal{A}(s)} \sum_{s',r} p(s',r|s,a)\left[ r + \gamma v_k(s)\right],\qquad \lim_{k\to\infty}v_k\to v_\ast \\ $$value_iteration(theta, gamma)
, starting from the initial value function V(s)=1
for all states s
. def value_iteration(theta, gamma):
# initialize value function V
V = np.ones((5,5),) # 5x5 grid => 25 states
# define differece Delta
# value iteration
while Delta>=theta:
# loop over all states in the state space
for m in range(5):
for n in range(5):
# back up old value for state
v_old = V[m,n]
# evaluate update rule
v_aux = np.zeros(len(env.action_space))
for action in range(len(env.action_space)):
# set environment state
# take step
s_prime, reward, _ = env.step(action)
# increment V(s)
v_aux[action] = reward + gamma*V[s_prime[0],s_prime[1]]
# compute updated value function
# compute Delta
Delta = max(Delta, np.abs(V[m,n]-v_old))
return V
Use Value Iteration to compute the value function for GridWorld, and visualize it. Compare it to your previous results from Policy Iteration. Do they agree?
### run policy evaluation
# print V
print( np.round(np.flipud(V.T),1) )
Finally, extract the optimal greedy policy $\pi_\ast(a|s) = \pi_\ast(s)$ which corresponds to the optimal value function $v_\ast(s)$, that you computed using Value Iteration.
$$ \pi_\ast(s) = \mathrm{argmax}_{a\in\mathcal{A}(s)} \sum_{s',r} p(s',r|s,a)\left[ r + \gamma v_\ast(s)\right] $$Does the policy make sense?