Monte Carlo (MC) Methods in Reinforcement Learning

In this notebook, we study tabular model-free RL using MC methods. Recall that we introduced MC sampling in Notebook 1, and here we shall make use of some of the sampling techniques we discussed there,

In particular, in this Notebook, we shall code up simple routines for:

  1. first-visit MC prediction for value function estimation;
  2. MC with exploring starts (ES) for policy optimization.

We follow closely the discussion and pseudocodes from Sutton & Barto, Chapter 5.

Because the tabular MC methods in RL we discussed in class are defined only for episodic tasks, below we shall use the Episodic_GridWorldEnv we created in Notebook 2.

In [9]:
import numpy as np

import import_ipynb
from Notebook_2_RL_environments import Episodic_GridWorldEnv # import environment, notebooks must be in same directory

Let us begin by initializing the environment.

Apart from fixing the seed for reproducibility, episodic environments also require the argument n_time_steps which sets an upper bound on the number of time steps per episode.

In [2]:
n_time_steps=100 # number of steps in a single episode
seed=0 # set seed of rng (for reproducibility of the results)

# discount factor
gamma = 1.0

# create environment class

Our first taks is to write a routine called policy_rollout which uses a policy pi to generate RL tranjectories

$$\tau = (S_0, A_0, R_1, S_1 A_1, R_2, \dots, S_\mathrm{terminal})$$

Generating trajectories is often called a rollout in RL.

Note that if we encounter a terminal state $S_\mathrm{terminal}$, then we should stop the rollout.

In [3]:
def policy_rollout(pi, States, Actions, Rewards):
    pi: np.ndarray of dimension (m,n,a). 
        policy to generate trajectory from
    States: list 
        append here the encountered states in
    Actions: list 
        append here the encountered actions
    Rewards: list 
        append here the encountered rewards 
    while env.current_step < env.n_time_steps:
        # read off state
        # pick a random action
        action=np.random.choice([0,1,2,3], p=pi[state[0],state[1],:] )        
        # take an environment step
        state_prime, reward, done = env.step(action)

        # store trajectory

        # check if state is terminal
        if done:
    return States, Actions, Rewards

First-visit MC prediction for estimating $V\approx V_\pi$

We are now ready to code up the first-visit MC prediction algorithm to approximating the vaue function $V\approx V_\pi$.

  1. initialize the table for the approximate value function V, and the empty list Returns (see pseudicode in textbook)

  2. For each episode:

    • re-set the environment to a random initial state, cf. env.reset(random=True).
    • roll out the policy to sample a trajectory
    • loop backwards over the trajectory to evaluate the return G (you need to do extra work to guarantee the first-visit constraint, see pseudocode)

As usual, it is considered a better practice to write the routine itself in a separate function first_visit_MC.

In [4]:
def first_visit_MC(N_trajectories, pi):
    N_trajectories: int
        Number of trajectories to be sampled.
    pi: np.ndarray of dimension (m,n,a). 
        policy to generate trajectories from.

    # initialize variables
    V = np.zeros((4,4),) # (m,n)
    Returns = [[[] for j in range(4)] for i in range(4)]

    # loop over N_trajectories to sample trajectories
    for episode in range(N_trajectories):

        # set env to a random initial state

        # generate episode using pi
        States  = []
        Actions = []
        Rewards = []

        States,Actions,Rewards = policy_rollout(pi, States,Actions,Rewards)

        # compute integer representation
        States_ints = [state[1]*4+state[0] for state in States]

        #print('\nfinished sampling trajectory {} with {} steps.'.format(n,env.current_step))

        # evaluate trajectory
        G = 0.0
        for t_rev in range(env.current_step-1,-1,-1):
            # read off state
            state     = States[t_rev]
            m,n = state

            # update G

            if np.sum([np.all(np.linalg.norm(state-S)<1E-13) for S in States[:t_rev]]) < 1:
                # append returns
                # compute MC average

    return V

Now, let us test the routine

  1. using the equiprobable policy
$$ \pi(a|s) = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{A}(s)|} $$

Note that $\mathcal{A}(s)$ depends on the states $s$; in parciular, at the boundary the action space is smaller than in the bulk.

  1. define your own policy -- be creative!

To do this, we call we print the resulting approximate value function V.

  1. In both cases, we can set the number of sampled trajectories to N_trajectories=10000. How does the result change if we use fewer / more samples?

  2. The result we got for the equiprobable random policy differs from the $k\to\infty$ iteration shown in Fig 4.1 (Sutton & Barto). What is this difference due to? Hint: did we implement the same boundary conditions as in the book? Why does the definition of the action space play a role here?

In [5]:
# re-set the seed (reproducibility)

# define equiprobable policy to be evaluated
# loop over the states to define equiprobable policy: \
# the loop is needed because the action space is smaller at the boundary than in the bulk
pi = np.zeros((4,4,4),) # (m,n,a)
for m in range(4):
    for n in range(4):
        pi[m,n,available_actions]=1.0/len(available_actions) # equiprobable; try out something else!

# enable this policy to implement the uniform boundary condition and reproduce result from boo  
# pi[...,:] = 0.25 
# number of trajectories to sample for the value function estimate
N_trajectories = 10000 

# use first-visit MC to learn an estimate for the value function $V\approx v_\pi$
V = first_visit_MC(N_trajectories, pi)

# print value function estimates
np.round(V.T, 0)
array([[  0., -11., -15., -16.],
       [-11., -14., -16., -15.],
       [-15., -16., -14., -11.],
       [-16., -15., -11.,   0.]])

Monte Carlo Exploring Starts (ES), for estimating $\pi\approx\pi_\ast$

Our second task is to code an algorithm which allows us to improve the policy using MC. In particular, here we focus in Monte Carlo with Exploring Starts (ES) to learn an approximation to the optimal policy $\pi\approx\pi_\ast$ .

Use the pseudocode from Chapter 5.3 in Sutton & Barto to write the MC_Exploring_Starts() routine. This routine is similar (but somewhat different) to the first_visit_MC() function we wrote above. If you encouner difficulties, we recommend that you first extend first_visit_MC() to action-value, or Q-functions, and then return to the problem below.

In the function below, we also allow to input an initial policy pi externally, so we can test the behavior starting from different policy afterwards. Of course, the routing should produce an optimal policy irrespective of the initial policy pi.

In [6]:
def MC_Exploring_Starts(N_trajectories, pi):

    # initialize variables
    Q = np.zeros((4,4,4),) # (m,n,a)
    Returns = [[[ [] for k in range(4)] for j in range(4)] for i in range(4)] # (m,n,a)

    # loop over N_trajectories to sample trajectories
    for episode in range(N_trajectories):

        ### implement Exploring Starts
        # choose random (state,action)-pair with equal probability

        action = np.random.choice(env.actions[state[0],state[1]])

        ### take initial state-action pair
        _, reward, done = env.step(action)

        ### generate episode using pi

        # store initial data
        States  = [state]
        Actions = [action]
        Rewards = [reward]

        # roll out policy
        if not done:
            States,Actions,Rewards = policy_rollout(pi, States,Actions,Rewards)

        # evaluate trajectory
        G = 0.0
        for t_rev in range(env.current_step-1,-1,-1):
            # read off state
            state = States[t_rev]
            m,n = state

            action = Actions[t_rev]

            # update G

            # check if state action pair is not present in te trajectory (there likely is a better way to do this)
            pair_absent_bool = np.sum([np.linalg.norm(state-S)<1E-13 * (action==A) for S,A in zip(States[:t_rev],Actions[:t_rev]) ]  ) < 1

            if pair_absent_bool: # (S,A) pair not present in trajectory
                # append returns
                # compute MC average
                # improve policy
                pi[m,n,:] = 0.0
                pi[m,n,np.argmax(Q[m,n,:])] = 1.0

    return Q, pi

Now, let us test the MC_Exploring_Starts routine.

  1. You may start from any initial policy, including the equiprobable policy, or a random policy. Do you observa any difference? How does this change if we use fewer/more trajectories?

  2. Visualize the optimal $q_\ast$ function Q_star. Wxtract the correspondig greedy policy from it; does it agree with the optimal policy pi_star?

  3. Does the optimal policy depend on the boundary condition? Hint: to answer this, you'd have to modify the available action space in the environment.

In [8]:
# re-set the seed (reproducibility)

# define equiprobable policy to be evaluated
# loop over the states to define equiprobable policy: \
# the loop is needed because the action space is smaller at the boundary than in the bulk
pi = np.zeros((4,4,4),) # (m,n,a)
for m in range(4):
    for n in range(4):
        pi[m,n,available_actions]=1.0/len(available_actions) # equiprobable; try out something else!

## define a random initial policy (has to be normalized to a probability distr)
# pi=np.random.uniform(low=0.0,high=1.0, size=(4,4,4)) # random initial policy
# norm=np.sum(pi,axis=2)
# pi=np.einsum('ijk,ij->ijk', pi,1.0/norm)

# MC step
N_trajectories = 10000

Q_star, pi_star = MC_Exploring_Starts(N_trajectories, pi)
# greedy policy from Q
print( np.round( np.max(Q_star,axis=2).T,0) )
[[ 0. -1. -2. -3.]
 [-1. -2. -3. -2.]
 [-2. -3. -2. -1.]
 [-4. -2. -1.  0.]]

On-policy first-visit MC control (for $\varepsilon$-soft policies), for estimating $\pi\approx\pi_\ast$

We can remove the exploring starts requirement, by using an $\varepsilon$-soft policy. Modify the function MC_Exploring_Starts() to a function MC_control() which implements this. The pseudocode is available in Sutton & Barto, Chapter 5.4.

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